Performance Tests
TDS 310, TDS 320 & TDS 350 Service Manual
10. Set the SEC/DIV of the D (delayed) time base to 500 ns.
When you change the SEC/DIV in step 10, the delay time readout
changes to 10.00001 or 9.99999. This is normal and has no effect
on the verification
11. Check that the rising edge of the marker crosses the center horizontal
graticule line at a point within ±2.0 divisions of center graticule.
12. Disconnect the test hookup.
Delta Time Measurement Accuracy
Delta time measurement accuracy is verified by successful completion of the
previous procedure.
These procedures check those characteristics that relate to the trigger
system and are listed as checked under Warranted Characteristics in the
Specifications section.
Check Edge Trigger Sensitivity, DC Coupled
Equipment Required: One mediumĆfrequency leveled sine wave generator
(Item 7), two precision 50ĂW coaxial cables (Item 2), one 50 W termination
(Item 1), and one BNC T connector (Item 4).
Time Required: Approximately 10 minutes.
Prerequisites: See page 4Ć11.
1. Press SAVE/RECALL SETUP ! Recall Factory Setup ! OK Confirm
Factory Init.
2. Set the VOLTS/DIV to 500 mV.
3. Set the SEC/DIV to 10 ns.
4. Press TRIGGER MENU ! Mode ! Normal.
5. Press ACQUIRE ! Mode ! Average 16.
6. Connect one 50 W cable to the output of the sine wave generator. Attach
a BNC T connector to the other end of the cable. Connect a second
50 W cable to the other side of the BNC T connector.
7. Connect the BNC T connector to CH 1; connect the cable to the
EXT TRIG input through a 50 W termination as shown in Figure 4Ć8.
Trigger System