TDS 520A, 524A, 540A, & 544A User Manual
Setting Hardcopy Parameters
To specify the hardcopy format, layout, and type of port using the hardcopy
1. Press SHIFT HARDCOPY MENU to bring up the Hardcopy menu.
2. Press Format (main) ➞ Thinkjet, Deskjet, Laserjet, Epson, DPU-411,
DPU-412, PCX, PCX Color (TDS 544A), TIFF, BMP Mono, BMP Color
(TDS 544A), RLE Color (TDS 544A), EPS Mono Img, EPS Color
Image (TDS 544A), EPS Mono Plt, EPS Color Plt, Interleaf, or HPGL
(side). (Press –more– (side) to see all of these format choices.)
3. Press SHIFT HARDCOPY MENU ➞ Layout (main) ➞ Landscape or
Portrait (side) (see Figure 3-32).
Landscape Format Portrait Format
Figure 3-32: Hardcopy Formats
4. Press SHIFT HARDCOPY MENU ➞ Port (main) to specify the output
channel to send your hardcopy through. The choices are GPIB, RS-232,
Centronics, and File (RS-232, Centronics, and File are optional on the
TDS 520A & TDS 540A).
If you choose File, the file-list scrollbar will appear. Turn the general
purpose knob to select the desired file.
5. For hardcopy formats that support palettes, press SHIFT HARDCOPY
MENU ➞ Palette (main) ➞ Hardcopy or Current (side). Choose Hardco-
py to have the hardcopy created using the Hardcopy Preview palette in
the Color Palette menu. The default settings for this palette provide a
white background. Choose Current to have the hardcopy created in colors
that closely match the current display.
Printing the Hardcopy
You can print a single hardcopy or send additional hardcopies to the spool
(queue) while waiting for earlier hardcopies to finish printing. To print your
Press HARDCOPY to print your hardcopy.
While the hardcopy is being sent to the printer, the oscilloscope will display
the message “Hardcopy in process — Press HARDCOPY to abort.”