TDS 500D, TDS 600B & TDS 700D Performance Verification and Specifications
This section begins with a general description of the traits of the TDS 500D,
TDS 600B and TDS 700D oscilloscopes. Three sections follow, one for each of
three classes of traits: nominal traits, warranted characteristics, and typical
Product Description
The TDS 500D, TDS 600B and TDS 700D oscilloscopes are portable, four-chan-
nel instruments suitable for use in a variety of test and measurement applications
and systems. Table 2–1 lists key features.
Table 2–1: Key features of the TDS 500D, 600B and 700D oscilloscopes
Feature TDS 600B TDS 500D & TDS 700D
Digitizing rate,
TDS 684B: 5 GS/s on ea. of 4 ch
TDS 680B: 5 GS/s on ea. of 2 ch
TDS 644B: 2.5 GS/s on ea. of 4 ch
TDS 620B: 2.5 GS/s on ea. of 2 ch
TDS 580D, TDS 784D,
TDS 794D: 4 GS/s
TDS 540D, 754D: 2 GS/s
TDS 520D, 724D: 1 GS/s
Analog bandwidth TDS 794D: 2 GHz
TDS 580D, TDS 680B, 684B, and 784D: 1 GHz
TDS 520D, 540D, 620B, 644B, 724D and 754D: 500 MHz
No. of Channels TDS 644B & 684B: 4
TDS 620B & 680B: 2 + 2
TDS 540D, 580D,
TDS 754D, 784D & 794D: 4
TDS 520D & 724D: 2 + 2
Record lengths,
15,000 samples 50,000 samples
(500,000 with option 1M)
(8,000,000 with option 2M)
Acquisition modes Sample, envelope, peak detect
and average
Sample, envelope, average,
high-resolution, and
Trigger modes Modes include:
Edge, logic, and pulse.
Video trigger, with option 05, modes include:
NTSC, SECAM, PAL, HDTV, and FlexFormat.
(Not available on TDS 794D)
Communications Trigger with option 2C (available on
TDS 500D/700D), modes include: AMI, CMI, and NRZ
Display TDS 520D, 540D, 580D, 620B, 680B: Monochrome
TDS 644B, 684B, 724D, 754D, 784D, 794D: Color