THS710A, THS720A, THS730A & THS720P Service Manual
This section contains information and procedures to help you isolate a defective
module in the TekScope instrument.
WARNING. Before doing this or any other procedure in this manual, read the
General Safety Summary and Service Safety Summary found at the beginning of
this manual. Also, to prevent possible injury to service personnel or damage to
electrical components, read Preventing ESD on page 6–1.
If you replace the main board, you must adjust the instrument after repair. Refer
to the chapter Adjustment Procedures for information about adjustment.
You may need the the following tools and equipment to troubleshoot the
Tools and Equipment Example
AC adapter Standard accessory to TekScope instrument
Battery pack, fully charged Standard accessory to TekScope instrument
Oscilloscope with 10X probe Tektronix TDS 300- or TDS 400-series with standard
accessory probe
DMM Tektronix DMM200- or DMM300-series handheld
inch flat-bladed screwdriver Hunter 30312
Metal paper clip Common office accessory
Begin with these steps to isolate a defective module. Some steps direct you to
other procedures in this section.
1. Install a charged battery, connect the AC adapter, and then turn on the
TekScope instrument. If (after a short wait) the display backlight turns on
and the display appears to operate normally, then skip to Executing
Diagnostics on page 6–35.
2. If (after a short wait) the display backlight turns on but the display shows
any of the following symptoms, turn off the instrument immediately. Skip to
Display on page 6–33.
H Display color is dark blue or violet when viewed straight on
H Display color is abnormal (green or orange) when viewed straight on
Adjustment After Repair
Required Tools and
Begin Here