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Copyright © 2002 Telect, Inc., All Rights Reserved • Telect Publication 122645-5 A0
1. Description
Telect’s Dual 600A Battery Distribution Fuse Board / Circuit
Breaker Board (BDFB / BDCBB), Model 007-0001-2600, contains
two non-shared sets of input buses. Both sets of -48VDC/RTN in-
put buses are capable of 600A primary distribution feed to 18 cir-
cuit breaker output positions.
The open-frame architecture of the BDFB / BDCBB allows unre-
stricted top-down or bottom-up cabling of inputs and outputs.
The front panel contains 18 circuit breaker positions per feed for a
total of 36 per panel. Each position accepts a standard “bullet ter-
minal” circuit breaker rated up to 100A, with the capability of pair-
ing adjacent breakers for dual-pole outputs of up to 150A. Vdc
Power LED, Fuse Alarm LED, and input voltage test points
the standard removable alarm panel
provide input/feed monitor-
Telect’s Dual 600A BDFB / BDCBB fits standard 19 in. or 23 in.
racks set up for either EIA or WECO mounting. Up to four panels
can be arranged in a bay
to provide up to 2400A per feed (4800A
per bay).
— Capabilities
Each Panel
•Dual Feed
600A (Max.,Continuous) Per Feed
800A (Max.) Interrupt Device Per Feed
18 Outputs Per Feed; 36 Outputs Per Panel
Full Bay of Four Panels
•Dual Feed
2400A (Max., Continuous) Per Feed
3200A (Max.) Interrupt Device Per Feed
72 Outputs Per Feed; 144 Outputs Per Bay
1. Input current test points require an optional shunt and
cabling. Contact telect.com for availability. (See Section 5,
2. Optional removable alarm panels provide digital voltage
and current meters. Contact telect.com for availability.
(See Section 5, Accessories.)
3. When installing four panels in a bay, prefer a 23-in. bay
rather than a 19-in. bay to reduce cable congestion.
— Features
Suitable for primary or secondary distribution
Modular design expands capability of rack to as much as
Open architecture provides easy input/output cabling
Top-down or bottom-up cabling
Standard “bullet terminal” circuit breakers (up to 100A
per position)
Breaker shunting allows double-pole, single distribution
up to 150A
Alarm and BATT monitor overcurrent protection