EPA Protocol Calibration Teledyne API M100E Analyzer Operation Manual
A system of Level 1 and Level 2 zero span checks (refer to Table 9-4) is recommended. These checks must be
conducted in accordance with the specific guidance given in Subsection 9.1 of Section 2.0.9 (Q.A. Handbook). It
is recommended Level 1 zero and span checks conducted every two weeks. Level 2 checks should be
conducted in between the Level 1 checks at a frequency desired by the user. Span concentrations for both levels
should be between 70 and 90% of the measurement range.
Zero and span data are to be used to:
Provide data to allow analyzer adjustment for zero and span drift;
Provide a decision point on when to calibrate the analyzer;
Provide a decision point on invalidation of monitoring data.
Items 1 and 2 are described in detail in Subsection 9.1.3 of Section 2.0.9 (Q.A. Handbook). Item 3 is described in
Subsection 9.1.4 of the same section.
Refer to the Troubleshooting Chapter 12 of this manual if the instrument is not wi
thin the allowed variation
The Zero and Span calibration can be checked a variety of different ways. They include:
Manual Zero/Span Check - Zero and Span can be checked from the front panel keyboard. The procedure
is in Section 8.3 and 8.6 of this manual.
Automatic Ze
ro/Span Checks - After the appropriate setup, Z/S checks can be performed automatically
every night. Refer to Section 8.8 of this manual for setup and operation procedures.
n checks via remote contact closure = Zero/Span checks can be initiated via remote contact
closures on the rear panel. Refer to Section 8.7.1 of this manual.
n via RS-232 port - Z/S checks can be controlled via the RS-232 port. Refer to Section 7.1.3 and
7.3 and Appendix A-6 of this manual for more details.
Calibration must be performed with a calibrator that meets all conditions specified in Subsection 2.9.2 (Q.A.
Handbook). The user should be sure that all flow meters are calibrated under the conditions of use against a
reliable standard. All volumetric flow rates should be corrected to 25
C (77
F) and 760mm (29.92in) Hg. Ensure
that the calibration system can supply the range of the concentration at a sufficient flow over the whole range of
concentration that will be encountered during calibration.
All operational adjustments to the M100E should be completed prior to the calibration. The following software
features must be set into the desired state before calibration.
Single range selection. Refer to Section 6.7.4 of this manual. If the instrument will be used more than one
e, it shou
ld be calibrated separately on each applicable range.
Automatic temperature/pressure compensation should be enabled. Refer to Section 6.8.
Alternate unit
s: ensure that the ppb units are selected for EPA monitoring. Refer to Section 6.7.7.
The analyz
er should be calibrated on the same range used for monitoring. If the AUTO range mode is selected,
the highest of the ranges will result in the most accurate calibration, and should be used.