3.5 Diagnostics (DIAG)
3.5.1 Zero Calibration
This menu is used for performing manual zero calibration of the M450H. If the
Auto-Zero option has been installed and the USE_ZERO_VALVE variable has
been enabled (See Section 3.5) then this calibration can be done using gas from
the Zero Gas inlet port on the monitor. If this valve is not used, then the zero
calibration gas must be supplied at the Ozone Inlet port. To zero the monitor
press the ZERO button once. This button will now change to ENTR. Press this
button once more to confirm the calibration. The Ozone concentration reading
should now go to zero.
3.5.2 D/A Calibration
This menu is used for the calibration of the internal A/D converter and DACs on
the V/F Card. This procedure is performed at the factory and should not need to
be performed again unless the analog output voltage range is changed or the V/F
Card is replaced. For details on performing this calibration see Section 5.3.
3.5.3 Analog Output
This diagnostic function will step the analog output through it’s full scale range in
20% increments, ie. 0% - 20% - 40% - 60% - 80% - 100%. The function pauses
for several seconds at each level. To freeze the analog output at a particular level,
press and release the button under the % display. Pressing the button again will
resume the cycling. This function is useful for calibrating instruments connected
to the analog output.
3.5.4 RS232 Output
This diagnostic function outputs a string of w’s out the RS232 port and is used for
troubleshooting RS232 connections to a computer. For more details on the use of
the RS232 interface, please contact Teledyne API and request document number
P/N 02826B1 Teledyne API Model 450H O
Monitor Instruction Manual - Page 38