Specifications Model GFC7001E Carbon Dioxide Analyzer
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 28
As defined by the USEPA
At constant temperature and pressure
Teledyne’s GFC 7001E Carbon Monoxide Analyzer is designated as Reference Method Number EQOA-0992-
087 as defined in 40 CFR Part 53, when operated under the following conditions:
Range: Any range from 10 ppm to 50 ppm.
Ambient temperature range of 10 to 40C.
Line voltage range of 90 – 127 and 200 – 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
Sample filter: Equipped with PTFE filter element in the internal filter assembly.
Sample flow of 800 80 cm
/min at sea level.
Internal sample pump.
Software settings:
Dilution factor 1.0
AutoCal ON or OFF
Dynamic Zero ON or OFF
Dynamic Span OFF
Dual range ON or OFF
Auto range ON or OFF
Temp/Pres compensation ON
Under the designation, the analyzer may be operated with or without the following options:
Rack mount with slides.
Rack mount without slides, ears only.
Zero/span valve options.
Option 50A – Sample/Cal valves, or;
Option 50B – Sample/Cal valves with span shutoff & flow control.
Internal zero/span (IZS) option with either:
Option 51A – Sample/Cal valves, or;
Option 51C – Sample/Cal valves with span shutoff & flow control.
Status outputs.
Control inputs.
RS-232 output.
Ethernet output.
4-20mA, isolated output.