Output Channels
6.2.7 Parametric Equalisation (Pages 2 to 13)
The DN9848 provides six parametric equalisation
stages on each output channel, for equalising the
output signal in respect of loudspeaker and/or system
characteristics. The first and last of these PEQ
sections can be alternatively be configured for lower
and upper shelving equalisation. All the PEQ sections
can be used across the full range from 20Hz to 20kHz
and are set independently via their own menu page.
To set a PEQ
1 Set a centre frequency (21 steps per octave) and bandwidth (0.08 to 3 Oct) for the PEQ
section, using the left and centre knobs, respectively.
Switch to an LEQ/HEQ setting with a 6dB or 12db slope by turning the centre knob clockwise
beyond 3 Oct (see below). Use the left-hand knob to set the LEQ/HEQ frequency.
2 Turn the right-hand knob to set an attention/boost level between -12dB and +12dB.
If a PEQ section is not needed in the set up, set its level to 0dB.
6.2.8 Compression (Page 14)
Each output has an independent full range
compressor to improve the audio dynamics
and/or reduce louder signal levels to avoid
loudspeaker damage. The compressors are
variable ratio and can be set to a hard knee
characteristic for a sharp gain reduction
response at the compression threshold, or
soft knee for a more ‘musical’ response.
To set the compressor parameters
1 On the first compressor menu page, use the centre knob to
select a threshold value in the range –10dB to +21dB, and
the right-hand knob to set a ratio from 1:1 to 5:1.
2 Turn the left-hand knob clockwise to access the first sub-
menu page. Use the centre knob to select a hard or soft
knee characteristic and the right-hand knob to set the
bypass state to No so that the compressor is included in the
signal path. The relative position of the compressor
threshold to the limiter threshold will be indicated by a lit
segment at the meter (provided the compressor threshold is
below the limiter threshold).
Any PEQ can be used as the
reference frequency for the Phase
see Section 6.2.5
Lit segment shows
the compressor
position relative to
the limiter