Mixer Adjustments
h HOT TIP! The Xport has "stowable" control knobs for the mixer functions. If the knob
is not protruding, push it in and release to make it accessible.
Speak into your Microphone and adjust the MIC knob on the front panel to adjust the
level displayed on the Snd meter (at the top of the screen). If you cannot get adequate
level on the meter, even with the MIC knob turned all the way up, you will need to
change the Mic Gain setting in the first LCD menu.
First, adjust the MIX knob to the 12 O'clock position (straight up). Next, turn the
knob all the way down. Put on your headphones and speak into the
microphone. Turn up the headphone
adjustment until you can hear yourself in the
You are ready to place your first call.
2.2 Placing Your First Call, to Telos
Located less than a mile from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame, there is always something
interesting playing on the Telos test line. Let’s call Cleveland. If you prefer, you can call
our test line in Europe. That number is listed under “Test Lines” on page iii at the front
of this manual.
Follow these step-by-step instructions:
1. Remove your headphones.
2. Press the <DIAL> button once. Use the keypad to enter the Telos test line number.
Be certain to precede it with any number you may need to dial to access an outside
line (such as "9") and/or to place a long distance (such as "1") or international call.
The number is +1 216 781-9310. Press the <DIAL> button again.
h HOT TIP! If your phone line has the feature "call waiting," you should temporarily
disable this by entering "*70" (or other special code) before the number to be dialed.
3. You should see a series of messages that say Modem Off Hook, Dialing Finished,
Modem Detected, Connecting., Connecting, Connecting…, Connected, and finally,
Connect Lock 0:00:01 .