Section 12: System Functions and Remote Control 253
Parameter..: -
Group......: Status
Description: Display contents of available variables.
Name.......: fpdump
Parameter..: [<FTP server>
Group......: Misc
Description: Dump out the contents of the currently visible frontpanel screen. This
is the UU encoded version of the file TELOS.BMP. When a FTP server host name or IP
is specified the data will be uploaded to this server under the name \pub\Screen.uue.
Name.......: help
Parameter..: 1: <none> 2: <command> 3: <'*'>
Group......: Misc
Description: Display list of available command & general help (1) or help for a given
command (2) or a detailed list of all commands (3)
Name.......: ingain
Parameter..: [<-15...+4>]
Group......: Audio
Description: Set input gain (in dB) for the stereo audio board.
Name.......: info
Parameter..: -
Group......: Status
Description: Display various information on the hardware settings.
Name.......: ipmask
Parameter..: [<IP-mask>]
Group......: FTP/Telnet
Description: Enter IP mask or display current addresses. Decimal format is tried first.
Name.......: ipgate
Parameter..: [<gateway-IP>]
Group......: FTP/Telnet
Description: Enter gateway IP address or display current addresses. Decimal format is
tried first.
Name.......: ipdns
Parameter..: [<dns-server-IP>]
Group......: FTP/Telnet
Description: Enter DNS server IP address or display current addresses. Decimal form at is
tried first.
Name.......: ipaddr
Parameter..: [<IP-address>]
Group......: FTP/Telnet
Description: Enter IP address or display current addresses. Decimal format is tried
Name.......: ipping
Parameter..: <IP address|Host name> [packet-size]
Group......: FTP/Telnet
Description: Ping remote host.
NOTE: “Result = -1” indicates the Ping has failed.
Name.......: ipftpreadsetup
Parameter..: <path+filename>
Group......: Setup
Description: Read setups from the FTP server under the given path.
Name.......: ipftpsavesetup
Parameter..: <path+filename>
Group......: Setup
Description: Store current setups on the FTP server under the given path.