
4.6 Pass the free end of the cable through the sheave slot between the large and middle sections and
out of the top of the tower. Pull the cable and the middle section completely out of the large
section altogether. Be sure to keep the cable tight, if slack accumulates it is most difficult to
4.7 If the fish wire doesn’t work, it is necessary to remove the square mast section from the round mast
section. Remove the pivot pin from the pivot post and lift the mast from the pivot post and place
the assembly on a work surface. Remove the hex nut from the bottom of the round section, re-
move the “T” bolt at the top of the round section, and pull the square mast assembly out of the
round section, and proceed as instructed in section 4.6.
4.8 Unfasten the cable by removing the bolt at the base of the middle section.
5.1 If the “fish wire” worked, attach the cable to the fish wire and pull through the pulleys and the
round section.
5.2 If the square tower section was removed from the round section, thread the cable through the
pulleys at the bottom of the large section and out of the tubular stud. Reinstall the large square
section into the round section. Install the “T” locking bolt, and the hex nut on the bottom of the
round section. The hex-locking nut should be tightened and then backed off approximately one-
half turn or until the tower rotates freely.
5.3 Fasten the new cable to the base of the middle section.
5.4 Reversing the procedures detailed in sections 4.4 through 4.7, reinstall the middle section.
5.5 Fasten the new cable to the winch drum.
5.6 Reinstall the plastic shims as described in section 3.3.