Self Test Beep Error Messages
In the event of a hardware problem that affects the display, the Notebook
also communicates errors via a series of beeps. These codes may be heard
over the system’s speaker as three bursts of beeps. The interpretation of the
beep codes is provided in Table 4-2.
To recover from a self test error, try cycling power to the computer. Also,
press CTRL-ALT-ESC to ensure that the Setup configuration is correct. In
general, most of the failures are associated with the Main Board and may
require board removal/replacement.
Try running PC-Doctor (Paragraph if possible to verify the source of
problem. Otherwise, replace the Main PWB.
Table 4-2 Self Test Beep Messages
Beep Code Port 80h Description
None 01h CPU Register Test in Progress
1-1-3 02h CMOS Write/Read Failure
1-1-4 03h ROM BIOS Checksum Failure
1-2-1 04h Programmable Interval Timer Failure
1-2-2 05h DMA Initialization Failure
1-2-3 06h DMA Page Register Write/Read Failure
1-3-1 08h DRAM Refresh Verification Failure
None 09h 1ST 64K RAM Test in Progress
1-3-3 0Ah 1ST 64K RAM Chip or Data Line Failure,
1-3-4 0Bh 1ST 64K RAM Odd/Even Logic Failure
1-4-1 0Ch Address Line Failure, 1ST 64K RAM
1-4-2 0Dh Parity Failure, 1ST 64K RAM
2-1-1 10h Bit 0, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-1-2 11h Bit 1, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-1-3 12h Bit 2, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-1-4 13h Bit 3, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-2-1 14h Bit 4, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-2-2 15h Bit 5, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-2-3 16h Bit 6, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-2-4 17h Bit 7, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-3-1 18h Bit 8, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
2-3-2 19h Bit 9, 1ST 64K RAM Failure
4-8 Troubleshooting Procedures