Troubleshooting Procedures 5-5
5.3.3 Fault Isolation Using Power On Self Test
When the computer is first powered up, it automatically performs a Power On Self
Test (POST) that checks the notebookâs central hardware and memory functions.
During POST (which lasts for a few seconds), the display shows copyright and version
number information.
Note: Some procedures in this paragraph require you to use keystroke
sequences, such as Ctrl-Alt-Del. To execute a keystroke sequence such as this,
you must press all three keys simultaneously. POST Error Messages
Upon successful completion of Power On Self Test, the computer automatically loads
its operating system and other built-in utilities. If POST fails to complete successfully,
the display shows one of the error messages described in Table 5-2.
Note: In the event of a hardware problem that affects the display, the Notebook
also communicates errors via a series of beeps. The interpretation of the beep
codes is provided in Table 5-3.