Test Summary
R25 and R28 can be changed to regulate output.
= 2.1V × [1+ R25/R28]; for bq2461x;
= 1.8V × [1+ R25/R28]; for bq2463x;
Adjust the input voltage as required. Output set to operate at 21V (bq2461x) or 18V (bq2463x) from the
2 Test Summary
2.1 Definitions
This procedure details how to configure the HPA422 evaluation board. On the test procedure the following
naming conventions are followed. See the HPA422 schematic for details.
VXXX: External voltage supply name (VADP, VBT, VSBT)
LOADW: External load name (LOADR, LOADI)
V(TPyyy): Voltage at internal test point TPyyy. For example, V(TP12) means the voltage at TP12
V(Jxx): Voltage at jack terminal Jxx.
V(TP(XXX)): Voltage at test point "XXX". For example, V(ACDET) means the voltage at the test
point which is marked as "ACDET".
V(XXX, YYY): Voltage across point XXX and YYY.
I(JXX(YYY)): Current going out from the YYY terminal of jack XX.
Jxx(BBB): Terminal or pin BBB of jack xx
Jxx ON: Internal jumper Jxx terminals are shorted
Jxx OFF: Internal jumper Jxx terminals are open
Jxx (-YY-) ON: Internal jumper Jxx adjacent terminals marked as "YY" are shorted
Measure:→ A,B Check specified parameters A, B. If measured values are not within specified limits the
unit under test has failed.
Observe → A,B Observe if A, B occur. If they do not occur, the unit under test has failed.
Assembly drawings have location for jumpers, test points and individual components.
2.2 Equipment
2.2.1 Power Supplies
Power Supply #1 (PS#1): a power supply capable of supplying 30-V at 5-A is required.
Power Supply #2 (PS#2): a power supply capable of supplying 5-V at 1-A is required.
Power Supply #3 (PS#3): a power supply capable of supplying 5-V at 1-A is required.
2.2.2 LOAD #1
A 30V (or above), 5A (or above) electronic load that can operate at constant current mode
2.2.3 LOAD #2
A Kepco bipolar operational power supply/amplifier, 0 ±30V (or above), 0 ±6A (or above).
2.2.4 Oscilloscope
Tektronix TDS3054 scope or equivalent, 10X voltage probe.
bq2461x/bq2463x EVM (HPA422) Multi-Cell Synchronous Switch-Mode Charger SLUU396A–January 2010–Revised July 2010
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