Overview of Calculator Operations 15
Using Worksheets: Tools for Financial Solutions
Each worksheet is independent of the others: operations in a worksheet
do not affect variables in other worksheets. When you exit a worksheet
or turn off the calculator, the calculator retains all worksheet data.
Key in a new calculation
2 ; 2.00
Recall the last answer & x 4.00
Complete the calculation N 16.00
The calculator contains worksheets with embedded
formulas to solve specific problems. You apply settings or
assign known values to worksheet variables and then
compute the unknown value. Changing the values lets you
ask what if questions and compare results.
Except for TVM variables, accessed in the standard-
calculator mode, all variables are prompted.
For example, to assign values to amortization variables, you
must first press & \ to access the Amortization
To select Function Press
TVM worksheet
(Chapter 2)
Analyzes equal cash flows, for
example, annuities, loans,
mortgages, leases, and savings
,, -, .,
/, 0, or
& [
Amortization worksheet
(Chapter 2)
Performs amortization
calculations and generates an
amortization schedule
& \
Cash Flow worksheet
(Chapter 3)
Analyzes unequal cash flows by
calculating net present value
and internal rate of return
& '
Bond worksheet
(Chapter 4)
Computes bond price and yield
to maturity or call
& l
Depreciation worksheet
(Chapter 5)
Generates a depreciation
schedule using one of six
depreciation methods
& p
To Press Display