Delivering a Codec Server
Configuring a Codec Server 2-17
In addition to including the server executable in the server package, you
must also add the generated package/info/* files to the package. These
files contain information in text form about the codecs included in the
server, the server's memory map, and other relevant information.
To create a deliverable package, we recommend you use the built-in
method in XDC to create a .tar package archive, as shown in the
following section.
2.3.1 Delivering Server Packages for Servers Built with XDC
If you built your server via XDC (that is, there is a "package.bld" file and
the makefile is very short), you need to add the directory "package/info"
to Pkg.otherFiles as follows to include the generated server info files in
the release:
Pkg.otherFiles = [ ...., "package/info", ... ];
Also, modify the makefile to run the "xdc release" step as the main goal
(differences shown in bold):
EXAMPLES_ROOTDIR := $(CURDIR)/../../../../../..
include $(EXAMPLES_ROOTDIR)/xdcpaths.mak
# add the examples directory to the list of paths to packages
# include $(EXAMPLES_ROOTDIR)/buildutils/xdcrules.mak
# run "xdc release" to create a tar file with the server(s)
$(XDC_INSTALL_DIR)/xdc release XDCPATH="$(XDC_PATH)" \
When you type "make", a .tar file will be created. That is your server
See ti/sdo/ce/examples/servers/all_codecs/package.bld for an example.
2.3.2 Delivering Server Packages for Servers Built with Configuro-based makefiles
If you built your server via Configuro (a utility that generates object and
linker files from a user .cfg script) that is driven from a makefile (which is
then not very short), you must add a step to the makefile to create a
server package and an archive from it.