144 Polling students
To pa us e polls
f Click
Poll > Pause Poll or click Pause Poll .
Resuming paused polls
After you pause a poll, you can resume the poll again at any time.
Note: You can only resume a paused poll from your computer.
To resume paused polls
f Click
Poll > Resume Poll or click Resume Poll .
Responding to polls (student instruction)
The poll you send to your students interrupts whatever your students are
doing. When they receive the poll, they can choose to respond to it or
they can exit the poll and resume what they were doing before. You can
use this section to instruct your students on how to respond to the polls
you send them, including both multiple choice and open response polls.
Note: Multiple choice refers to Agree/Disagree, Yes/No, True/False,
Right/Wrong, and Always/Sometimes/Never questions as well as standard
multiple choice questions.
Student Point of View: The following instructions are from the
student’s point of view.
To respond to multiple choice polls
1. If the poll says “Mark your answer,” wait for your teacher to ask you
the poll question.
2. Use your calculator’s up and down arrow keys to navigate to your
3. Select Send.
Your calculator sends your poll response to your teacher and returns
you to the last screen you used. Your poll response appears on your
teacher’s computer in the Quick Poll tool window.
Note: The contents of the Quick Poll tool window vary depending on
the tab your teacher has selected and the poll responses your teacher
has received from your classmates.