Three-Year Warranty Equipment List
Effective February 1, 1992 all of Texas Electronics, Inc. sensors will carry a Three-Year warranty instead of the previous
One-Year. The remainder of terms and conditions of the warranty remains unchanged. A specific list of items follows.
Sensors Covered by Three-Year Warranty
Systems Covered by Three-Year Warranty
Parameter Model No.
Wind Direction TD-105 (Synchro)
TD-104D (Potentiometer)
TD-110-L2 (Photo-Chopper)
TD-106 (Potentiometer)
Wind Speed TV-110-L2 (Photo-Chopper)
TV-110-L3 (Photo-Chopper)
TV-114 (A.C. Generator)
Barometric Pressure TB-2012
Relative Humidity TH-2013
Rainfall TR-525
Temperature TT-101 (Outdoor)
TT-103R (Surface Mount)
TT-103R-W (Water Probe)
TT-309I (Indoor)
Solar Radiation TS-100
Model No. Description
WSC-5-S Wind Speed Controller
Single Set Point
WSC-5-ST Wind Speed Controller
Single Set Point with Time Delay
WSC-5-D Wind Speed Controller
Dual Set Point
WSC-5-DT Wind Speed Controller
Dual Set Point with Time Delay
WDC-2 Wind Direction Controller