Table 7−3. 512-Byte EEPROM Memory Map 2.1 Channels (with TAS3001)
000h 1 Signature (2Ah)
001h 1 ID byte = 0000 0011
002h 1 MCR
003h−00Bh 9 Mixer left gain
00Ch−014h 9 Mixer right gain
015h−01Ah 6 DRC (ratio, threshold, energyα, attackα, decayα)
01Bh 1 Bass
01Ch 1 Treble
01Dh−022h 6 Volume
031h−03Fh 15 Biquad 0
040h−04Eh 15 Biquad 1
04Fh−05Dh 15 Biquad 2
05Eh−06Ch 15 Biquad 3
right and left
06Dh−07Bh 15 Biquad 4
07Ch−08Ah 15 Biquad 5
08Bh−099h 15 Biquad 6
09Ah 1 0 dB/bass
09Bh 1 0 dB/treble
09Ch−0A1h 6 Bass break
0A2h−0A7h 6 Treble break
0A8h−110h 105 Bass delta
111h−179h 105 Treble delta
17Ah−17Fh 6 Bass set point
180h−185h 6 Treble set point
186h−194h 15 Biquad 0
195h−1A3h 15 Biquad 1
1A4h−1B2h 15 Biquad 2
1B3h−1C1h 15 Biquad 3
right and left
1C2h−1D0h 15 Biquad 4
1D1h−1DFh 15 Biquad 5
1E0h−1EEh 15 Biquad 6
1EFh 1 MCR
1F0h−1F2h 3 SDIN1 gain
1F3h−1F5h 3 SDIN2 gain
1F6h−1F7h 2 DRC (ratio, threshold, energyα, attackα, decayα)
1F8h 1 Bass
1F9h 1 Treble
1FAh−1FFh 6 Volume
NOTE: In this mode, the TAS3002 and the TAS3001 devices both use the same equalization coefficients for their right and left channels.
Bytes are in the same order as they appear in the I
C register map. The EEPROM address is A0h.