Introduction ix
Specific text—The text to the right of a subheading
presents detailed information about that specific topic or
task. The information may be presented as paragraphs,
numbered procedures, bulleted lists, or illustrations.
Page “footers”—The bottom of each page shows the
chapter name, chapter number, and page number.
Several conventions are used to present information concisely
and in an easily referenced format.
Numbered procedures—A procedure is a sequence of
steps that performs a task. In this guidebook, each step is
numbered in the order in which it is performed. No other
text in the guidebook is numbered; therefore, when you
see numbered text, you know you should perform the
steps sequentially.
Lists with bullets—If several items have equal
importance, or if you may choose one of several
alternative actions, this guidebook precedes each item
with a “bullet” (
) to highlight it—like this list.
Tables and charts—Sets of related information are
presented in tables or charts for quick reference.
Keystroke examples—The Getting Started examples
provide keystroke-by-keystroke instructions, as do the
numerous short examples and several detailed examples
that are identified with a