
bit from slave
bit from receiver
1 2 7 8 9 1 2 8 9
Slave address
condition (S)
condition (P)
S Slave address R/W ACK Data ACK Data ACK P
7 n n
1 1 1 1 1 1
Peripheral Architecture
2.6 Serial Data Formats
Figure 7 shows an example of a data transfer on the I2C-bus. The I2C peripheral supports 1-bit to 8-bit
data values. Figure 7 is shown in an 8-bit data format (BC = 000 in ICMDR). Each bit put on the SDA line
is equivalent to one pulse on the SCL line. The data is always transferred with the most-significant bit
(MSB) first. The number of data values that can be transmitted or received is unrestricted; however, the
transmitters and receivers must agree on the number of data values being transferred.
The I2C peripheral supports the following data formats:
7-bit addressing mode
10-bit addressing mode
Free data format mode
Figure 7. I2C Peripheral Data Transfer
2.6.1 7-Bit Addressing Format
In the 7-bit addressing format (Figure 8), the first byte after a START condition (S) consists of a 7-bit slave
address followed by a R/W bit. The R/W bit determines the direction of the data.
R/W = 0: The master writes (transmits) data to the addressed slave.
R/W = 1: The master reads (receives) data from the slave.
An extra clock cycle dedicated for acknowledgment (ACK) is inserted after the R/W bit. If the slave inserts
the ACK bit, n bits of data from the transmitter (master or slave, depending on the R/W bit) follow it. n is a
number from 1 to 8 that the bit count (BC) bits of ICMDR determine. The receiver inserts an ACK bit after
the data bits have been transferred.
Write a 0 to the expanded address enable (XA) bit of ICMDR to select the 7-bit addressing format.
Figure 8. I2C Peripheral 7-Bit Addressing Format (FDF = 0, XA = 0 in ICMDR)
n = The number of data bits (from 1 to 8) specified by the bit count (BC) field of ICM DR.
SPRUEN0D–March 2011 Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Peripheral
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