TMS320F2809, TMS320F2808, TMS320F2806
TMS320F2802, TMS320F2801, TMS320C2802
TMS320C2801, TMS320F28016, TMS320F28015
5.2 Documentation Support
Extensive documentation supports all of the TMS320™ DSP family generations of devices from product
announcement through applications development. The types of documentation available include: data
sheets and data manuals, with design specifications; and hardware and software applications.
Table 5-1 shows the peripheral reference guides appropriate for use with the devices in this data manual.
See the TMS320x28xx, 28xxx DSP Peripheral Reference Guide (literature number SPRU566) for more
information on types of peripherals.
Table 5-1. TMS320x280x, 2801x Peripheral Selection Guide
F2809, F2808,
F2806, F2802,
F2801, C2802,
C2801, F28016,
TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x DSP System Control and Interrupts SPRU712 – X
TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x Boot ROM SPRU722 –
TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x DSP Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) SPRU716 1 X
TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator SPRU791 0 X
(ePWM) Module
TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x High-Resolution Pulse Width Modulator SPRU924 0 X
TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x Enhanced Capture (eCAP) Module SPRU807 0 X
TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse SPRU790 0 X
(eQEP) Module
TMS320x280x/2801x Enhanced Controller Area Network (eCAN) SPRUEU0 0 X
TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x Serial Communication Interface (SCI) SPRUFK7 0 X
TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x Serial Peripheral Interface SPRUG72 0 X
TMS320x28xx, 28xxx Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Module SPRU721 0 X
(1) A type change represents a major functional feature difference in a peripheral module. Within a peripheral type, there may be minor
differences between devices that do not affect the basic functionality of the module. These device-specific differences are listed in the
TMS320x28xx, 28xxx DSP Peripheral Reference Guide (literature number SPRU566) and in the peripheral reference guides.
The following documents are available on the TI website (www.ti.com):
CPU User's Guides
SPRU430 TMS320C28x CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide describes the central processing
unit (CPU) and the assembly language instructions of the TMS320C28x fixed-point digital
signal processors (DSPs). It also describes emulation features available on these DSPs.
SPRU712 TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x DSP System Control and Interrupts Reference Guide
describes the various interrupts and system control features of the 280x digital signal
processors (DSPs).
Peripheral Guides
SPRU566 TMS320x28xx, 28xxx DSP Peripheral Reference Guide describes the peripheral reference
guides of the 28x digital signal processors (DSPs).
SPRU716 TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x DSP Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Reference Guide
describes how to configure and use the on-chip ADC module, which is a 12-bit pipelined
SPRU791 TMS320x280x, 2801x, 2804x Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM) Module
Reference Guide describes the main areas of the enhanced pulse width modulator that
include digital motor control, switch mode power supply control, UPS (uninterruptible power
supplies), and other forms of power conversion
88 Device Support Copyright © 2003–2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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