2.1.1 Power and Ground
1. Ensure that the external power sources are set to OFF.
2. Set the power supply voltage between 2.5 V and 5.5 V. When connecting the power supply to the
EVM, attach the ground connection to the GND header pin first, and then connect the positive supply
to the VDD header pin. Verify that the connections are made to the correct header pins.
2.1.2 Inputs and Outputs Audio
1. Ensure that the audio source is set to the minimum level.
2. Connect the audio source to the RCA input socket, IN. In case of differential audio input ensure that
the jumper JP IN is not inserted. In case of a single-ended audio input ensure that the jumper JP IN is
inserted, thereby grounding IN- through the input capacitor C2.
3. Connect a speaker (4 Ω-32 Ω) between the output banana jacks OUT+ and OUT-. Enable Control
The TPA2011D1 has an active-high enable pin EN. A logic high on this pin places the device in the
operating mode, and a logic low on this pin places the device in the shutdown mode. Press and hold
pushbutton S1 on the EVM to place the TPA2011D1 in shutdown mode. Release pushbutton S1 to restart
normal operation. Output filter
The TPA2011D1 EVM provides two test outputs TPOUT+ and TPOUT- between which a filtered version of
the BTL output of the TPA2011D1 can be obtained by populating the filter components R4, R5, C9 and
C10 (see Table 1 for typical components). The filtered output is useful in evaluating performance
parameters of the TPA2011D1 using measurement equipment such as the Audio Precision.
2.2 Power Up
1. Verify the correct connections as described in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2.
2. Verify the voltage setting of the power supply is between 2.5 V and 5.5 V, and turn on the power
supply. Proper operation of the EVM begins.
3. Adjust the audio signal source as needed.
TPA2011D1 Audio Power Amplifier Evaluation Module SLOU244–December 2009
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