Functional Description
SLES140A—March 2007TVP5147M1PFP
2.12.8 VDP General Line Mode and Line Address Register
Subaddress 80 0600h−80 0611h
(default line mode = FFh, address = 00h)
Subaddress 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
80 0600h Line address 1
80 0601h Line mode 1
80 0602h Line address 2
80 0603h Line mode 2
80 0604h Line address 3
80 0605h Line mode 3
80 0606h Line address 4
80 0607h Line mode 4
80 0608h Line address 5
80 0609h Line mode 5
80 060Ah Line address 6
80 060Bh Line mode 6
80 060Ch Line address 7
80 060Dh Line mode 7
80 060Eh Line address 8
80 060Fh Line mode 8
80 0610h Line address 9
80 0611h Line mode 9
Line address [7:0]: Line number to be processed by a VDP set by a line mode register (default 00h)
Line mode register [7:0]:
Bit 7: 0 = Disabled filters
1 = Enabled filters for teletext and CC (null byte filter) (default)
Bit 6: 0 = Send sliced VBI data to registers only (default)
1 = Send sliced VBI data to FIFO and registers, teletext data only goes to FIFO (default)
Bit 5: 0 = Allow VBI data with errors in the FIFO
1 = Do not allow VBI data with errors in the FIFO (default)
Bit 4: 0 = Disabled error detection and correction
1 = Enabled error detection and correction (teletext only) (default)
Bit 3: 0 = Field 1
1 = Field 2 (default)
Bits [2:0]: 000 = Teletext (WST625, Chinese teletext, NABTS 525)
001 = CC (US, Europe, Japan, China)
010 = WSS (525, 625)
011 = VITC
100 = VPS/PDC (PAL only), Gemstar (NTSC only)
101 = USER 1
110 = USER 2
111 = Reserved (active video) (default)