System Logs
Item Description
Truncate All Log File Clear all log files.
|<< < > >>| Use the forward ( > >>| ) and backward ( |<< < ) buttons
to browse the log pages.
INFO Provides all log information including warning messages and
error messages.
WARN Shows all warning messages and error messages.
ERROR Shows only error messages.
GO Specify the number of lines per page and press Go.
Ascending Shows logs by date in ascending order.
Descending Shows logs by date in descending order.
Download All Log File Export all logs to an external file.
Time and Date Settings
From the System menu, choose the
Time item and the Time screen
appears. Set the desired Date, Time,
and Time Zone. You can also elect
to synchronize the system time on
the N299 with an NTP (Network
Time Protocol) Server. You can
change any of these items and press
Apply to confirm your settings. Se
the following table for a detai
description of each item:
Item Description
Date Sets the system date.
Time Sets the system time.
Area Select your area.
City Select your city.
NTP Server Select Yes to allow the N299 to synchronize with the NTP server
shown below.
Select Maually to allow the N299 to synchronize with an NTP
server of your choice.
Select No to not have the N299 to synchronize with an NTP
If an NTP server is selected, please make sure your N299’s network has been setup
to access the NTP server.
System Configuration Backup and Restore
From the System menu, choose the
Config Mgmt item and the System
Configuration Download/Upload
screen appears. From here, you can
download or upload stored system
configurations. See the following
table for a detailed description of
each item.