Most Fast Ethernet (10/100) Switches/Routers do not support Jumbo
Frame and you will not be able to connect to your N8800 after Jumbo
Frame is turned on. If this happens, turn off the N8800. Then, power
on the N8800 and immediately press and hold the Reset button on the
back of the unit for 10 seconds. This will reset your network settings,
password, and turn off Jumbo Frame Support.
LAN Configuration
The N8800 supports two Gigabit Ethernet
ports for higher service availability. To
configure these ports, choose LAN from the
Network menu, and the LAN
Configuration screen appears. Press Apply
to save your changes.
LAN Configuration
Item Description
MAC Address Displays the MAC address of the LAN interface.
IP Specifies the IP address of the LAN interface.
Netmask Specifies the Network Mask of the LAN interface.
Jumbo Frame Support Enable or disable Jumbo Frame Support on the LAN interface.
Before enabling Jumbo Frame Support, please make sure your network
equipment supports Jumbo Frame. If your equipment is incompatible,
you might not be able to connect to your N8800. In this case, you have
to reset the system back to default by the holding down front panel
reset button for 5 seconds during boot up process.
DHCP Configuration
A DHCP server can be configured to assign IP addresses to devices connected to
the LAN port. To configure these ports, choose LAN from the Network menu.
DHCP Configuration
Item Description
DHCP Server Enable or disable the DHCP server to automatically assign IP
address to PCs connected to the LAN interface.
Start IP Specifies the starting IP address of the DHCP range.
End IP Specifies the ending IP address of the DHCP range.
DNS Server Displayed the DNS server IP address.
The IP address of the LAN interface should not be in the range of the
Start IP address and End IP address.
The IP Segment of WAN and LAN should not overlap.