Relative Heart Rate
Relative Heart Rate is your current heart rate divided by your maximum
heart rate, and can be a useful reference to manage how hard you are
working during your exercise.
• Maximum Heart Rate is calculated as:
Male: 220 minus your age; Female: 226 minus your age
• Your Relative Heart Rate will be displayed as a percentage below your
BPM heart rate.
Target Heart Rate Zone
The Target Heart Rate Zone feature compares your
measured heart rate with your targeted heart rate zone.
If your heart rate is within the target zone, the watch
will beep once and your heart rate will display with the
message “ZONE-In”.
If your heart rate is lower than your target zone lower limit, the watch will
beep twice and your heart rate will display with the message “ZONE-Lo”.
If your heart rate is higher than your target zone upper
limit, the watch will beep twice and your heart rate will
display with the message “ZONE-HI”.
Example: Debbie’s target zone is 80 BPM (Low) to 120
BPM (High). After 5 minutes of walking, Debbie
measures her heart rate at 72 BPM. She is under her
target zone and can decide to pick up her pace.
Target Heart Rate Zone Setup
You can customize the settings in your watch to more
accurately determine calories burned and to set a
personalized target zone. The following chart provides
some heart rate target ranges for your reference.