Unloading Your Gun
To unload your gun remove the ammo box or completely
empty the ammo box. Then, point your gun in a safe
direction and fire several times to be sure there are no
balls lodged in the chamber.
1) Tank Removal
To remove a charged CO2 cylinder, turn the cylinder
approximately 3/4 of a turn counterclockwise or out. This
allows the tank pin valve to close so that no CO2 will
enter the gun. Point the gun in a safe direction and fire
the remaining CO2 in the gun by pulling the trigger until
the gun stops firing. (This may take 4-5 shots)
If your gun keeps firing after you have turned the tank 3/
4 of a turn, the tank pin valve has not closed yet and
you may have to turn the tank counterclockwise a little
If you turn the tank 3/4 of a turn and it begins to leak
before you pull the trigger you have turned it too far and
may have damaged the tank o-ring.
Because of the variances in tank valve parts, each tank
varies slightly on exactly how far it should be turned. If
this process does not work the tank pin valve could be
too long.
Cleaning & Maintenance
To clean your paintball gun use a damp towel with water
to wipe off paint, oil, and debris. We recommend using
a premium gun oil to maintain your gun in good working
condition. (Hoppes #9 gun oil) Re-oil with a few drops
to the front bolt, rear bolt, linkage arm, and tank o-ring.
We also recommend using white lithium grease on the
barrel o-ring and CO2 tank o-ring.
Note: Before doing any cleaning, remove the CO2
cylinder from your gun and do not use any
cleaning solvents.
Field Stripping
You must first unload your gun before trying to field strip
it and have the gun in the uncocked position. If your
gun is cocked, hold the bolt handle while pulling the
trigger which will un-cock the gun.
Note: The barrel and tank adapter must be removed
first. Next, turn the velocity screw in until it stops.