20 Helix
8. Troubleshooting
8.1 Component Pumps
Problem Cause Solution
A. The unit will not run. 1. The unit is not plugged in to a power source.
2. Tripped breaker.
3. The pressure is set too low (pressure control knob set
at minimum setting does not supply power to unit).
4. Faulty or loose wiring.
5. Excessive motor temperature.
2. Reset the breaker.
3. Turn the pressure control knob clockwise to supply
power to the unit and increase the pressure setting.
5. Allow motor to cool.
B. The unit will not build or maintain
1. The pressure control knob is not set properly.
2. Material ows from the return hose when the PRIME/
SPRAY valve is in the SPRAY position.
3. Air leak in material feed hoses.
4. There is external uid leak.
5. There is an internal uid section leak (packings are
worn and/or dirty, valve balls are worn).
6. Worn valve seats
7. Motor powers but fails to rotate
8. Transfer pumps not supplying material.
1. Turn the pressure control knob clockwise to increase
the pressure setting.
2. Clean or replace the PRIME/SPRAY valve.
3. Check the inlet valve / feed hose connection. Tighten
or wrap the threads with PTFE tape.
4. Check for external leaks at all connections. Tighten
connections, if necessary.
5. Clean the valves and service the uid section following
the steps in section 9.5 and 9.6 in this manual.
6. Reverse or replace the valve seats following the steps
in section 9.5 and 9.6 in this manual.
8. Check air supply and valves, or service the transfer
C. Fluid leakage at the upper end of
the uid section.
1. The upper packings are worn.
2. The piston rod is worn.
1. Repack the pump following the steps in section 9.5
and 9.6 in this manual.
2. Replace the piston rod following the steps in section
9.5 and 9.6 in this manual.
8.2 Block heater / hose heater controller errors
Problem Cause Solution
A. Alarm will not clear or Reset with
keypad or digital input.
1. Alarm latching is active
2. Alarm set to incorrect output
3. Alarm is set to incorrect source
4. Sensor input is out of alarm set point range
5. Alarm set point is incorrect
6. Alarm is set to incorrect type
7. Digital input function is incorrect
1. Reset alarm when process is within range or disable
2. Set output to correct alarm source instance
3. Set alarm source to correct input instance
4. Correct cause of sensor input out of alarm range
5. Set alarm set point to correct trip point
6. Set digital input function and source instance
B. Alarm will not activate output. 1. Alarm silencing is active
2. Alarm blocking is active
3. Alarm is set to incorrect output
4. Alarm is set to incorrect source
5. Alarm set point is incorrect
6. Alarm is set to incorrect type
1. Disable alarm silencing, if required
2. Disable alarm blocking, if required
3. Set output to correct alarm source instance
4. Set alarm source to correct input instance
5. Set alarm set point to correct trip point
6. Set alarm type to correct type
C. Alarm Error. Alarm status cannot be
determined due to a lack of sensor
AL.E 1
AL.E 2
AL.E 3
AL.E 4
1. Sensor improperly wired or open
2. Incorrect setting of sensor type
3. Calibration corrupt
1. Correct wiring or replace sensor
2. Match setting to sensor used
3. Check calibration of controller
D. Alarm Low. Sensor input below low
alarm set point.
AL.L 1
AL.L 2
AL.L 3
AL.L 4
1. Temperature is less than alarm set point
2. Alarm is set to latching and an alarm occurred in the
3. Incorrect alarm set point
4. Incorrect alarm source
1. Check cause of under temperature
2. Clear latched alarm
3. Establish correct alarm set point
4. Set alarm source to proper setting
E. Alarm High. Sensor input above high
alarm set point.
AL.H 1
AL.H 2
AL.H 3
AL.H 4
1. Temperature is greater than alarm set point
2. Alarm is set to latching and an alarm occurred in the
3. Incorrect alarm set point
4. Incorrect alarm source
1. Check cause of over temperature
2. Clear latched alarm
3. Establish correct alarm set point
4. Set alarm source to proper setting