PowrCoat 21
Reassembly Procedure
1. Insert upper packing set (19) into pump block (21).
Peak of “V” packings must point upwards on
2. Insert upper spring (18); small end of spring must go toward
the packing set.
3. Insert spring retainer (16).
4. Place new lower packing set (14) over piston seat (13).
Peak of “V” packings must point downward on
5. Replace spring (15), spring retainer (16) and ball (17) on piston
seat (13).
6. Thread piston seat (13) back onto displacement rod (6).
Use Loctite (Part # 426-051) on clean threads.
7. Insert displacement rod (6) assembly through upper packing
set (19) in pump block (21).
8. Place O-ring (20) on end of cylinder (12) and thread back into
pump block (21).
Lubricate all O-rings before assembly (Piston Lube,
Part # 314-480).
9. Insert new ball (11), ball cage (10), and new O-ring (9) into foot
valve (7).
Ball cage pin (10a) to be in lower position unless
pump is to be used for heavy block ller, roong
materials or inorganic solvent-borne zinc coatings.
10. Place new PTFE O-ring (8) on cylinder (12) and then install foot
valve assembly (7).
It is not necessary to overtighten foot valve and
cylinder into pump block. O-ring seals perform
sealing function without excessive tightening. Full
thread engagement is sucient. The foot valve
(7) may be rotated back up to 3/4 turn from full
engagement for convenient hose position.
11. Insert connecting rod (5) through coupling nut (4) and thread
connecting rod (5) into displacement rod (6).
12. Hold the air motor piston rod (3) at the wrench ats and
thread coupling nut (4) to secure the pump to the motor.
13. Usingthestanchions,thestanchionnuts(1)andwashers(2),
secure the pump assembly to the bottom of the unit.
14. Replace the two halves of the shield assembly (10). Secure the
two halves to each other with screws and secure the entire
assembly to the plate (11) with the four screws (9).
15. For siphon hose attachment, it is critically important that
the thread of the siphon hose t snugly into the foot valve
with the hose assembly couplings PTFE-taped and sealed to
prevent air inlet leakage.
Service Kits
The minor service kits for pump assembly 185-551
come in three versions. They include kits with 1)
Polyethylene/Leather packings, 2) Leather packings
and 3) PTFE packings
Service Kits
185-551 pump service kit, minor
Kit Part
Packings* Description
185-050 Polyethylene/
Includes items 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20 (2),
180-051 Leather Includes items 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20 (2),
185-052 PTFE Includes items 9, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20 (2),
185-551 pump service kit, major
185-500 Polyethylene/
Includes minor service kit 185-050 and
items 6, 12 and 18
185-501 Leather Includes minor service kit 185-051 and
items 6, 12 and 18
185-502 PTFE Includes minor service kit 185-053 and
items 6, 12 and 18
* RefertotheSparePartsListforpumpassembly185-551for
the part numbers of each type of upper and lower packings.