Replacing the Gears
1. Unplug the unit.
2. Loosen and remove the four motor shroud screws.
Remove the motor shroud.
3. Release the tie wrap on the top of the baffle assembly and
slip the baffle assembly down off of the motor.
4. Loosen and remove the three electronic cover screws.
Lift the electronic cover off of the electronic control
assembly on the motor.
5. Disconnect all wires between the motor and the sprayer.
6. Loosen and remove the three motor mounting screws.
7. Pull the motor out of the gearbox housing.
8. Inspect the armature gear on the end of the motor for
damage or excessive wear. If this gear is completely
worn out, replace the front end bell assembly.
9. Remove and inspect the 1st stage gear and 2nd stage
gear assemblies for damage or excessive wear. Replace,
if necessary.
10. Remove and inspect the front gear box assembly for
damage or excessive wear. If damaged or worn, replace
the front gear box assembly.
11. Install the motor into the gearbox housing. Make sure the
housing gasket is positioned properly.
12. Secure the motor with the three motor mounting screws.
13. Reconnect the wires between the sprayer and the motor.
(refer to the electrical schematic in the Parts List section
of this manual).
14. Position the electronic cover over the electronic control
assembly. Secure the electronic cover with the three
electronic cover screws.
15. Slip the baffle assembly up and around the motor. Secure
the baffle assembly with the tie wrap.
16. Slide the motor shroud over the motor. Make sure the
shroud gasket is positioned properly.
17. Secure the motor shroud with the four motor shroud
Front End Bell
Armature Gear
1st Stage Gear
2nd Stage Gear
Front Gear Box
NOTE: Clean and refill the gear box cavity up to the rear
face of each gear with Lubriplate (P/N 314-171).
Replacing the Transducer
1. Unplug the unit.
2. Loosen and remove the four motor shroud screws.
Remove the motor shroud.
3. At the electronic control assembly, disconnect the wire
coming from the transducer.
4. Pull the grommet out of the mounting plate and slide it up
the shaft of the transducer until it is clear of the mounting
5. Using a wrench, loosen and remove the transducer from
the filter housing. Carefully thread the transducer wire out
through the mounting plate.
6. Slide the grommet off of the old transducer and onto the
new transducer.
7. Thread the new transducer wire through the mounting
plate and up to the electronic control assembly.
8. Thread the new transducer into the filter housing and
tighten securely with a wrench.
9. Push the grommet into the mounting plate.
10. Connect the transducer wire to the electronic control
assembly (refer to the electrical schematic in the Parts List
section of this manual).
11. Slide the motor shroud over the motor. Make sure the
shroud gasket is positioned properly.
12. Secure the motor shroud with the four motor shroud
Motor Shroud
Motor Shroud Screws
Electronic Control
Mounting Plate
To Filter
NOTE: Make sure the o-ring on the transducer is in
place before threading the transducer into the
filter housing.
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