The Basics in 5 Short Tours
TiVo Suggestions uses these ratings to create a list of programs you might like. The more shows
you rate over time, the better TiVo Suggestions will get at finding the right programs for you.
Auto-Recording TiVo Suggestions. When your DVR has available space, it automatically records
TiVo Suggestions. But you don’t ever need to worry about recorded Suggestions taking up
space—here’s why:
• TiVo Suggestions never replace shows you request, or prevent your requested shows from
being recorded.
• TiVo Suggestions are always the first programs deleted to make room for recordings you
Suggestions List. You can also review a list of TiVo Suggestions:
1. Press the TiVo button to go to TiVo Central
. Select Pick Programs to Record, then TiVo
Suggestions to view a list of programs the TiVo service suggests you might like.
The list of programs is ranked, so shows you’re more likely to enjoy are near the top.
2. To record a program, highlight it and press either SELECT or RECORD on your remote. Or
use THUMBS UP and THUMBS DOWN to rate programs to improve future Suggestions.
Showcases is an interactive content area which often includes opportunities to schedule
recordings of featured programs, or allows you to watch previews of upcoming movies or TV
shows. Programs in Showcases are grouped in theme packages, giving you “one-stop shopping”
convenience when browsing for shows to record.
Showcases may include exclusive content, the inside scoop on hit movies, exciting miniseries,
special events, popular series, and shows featuring the biggest stars of the screen and stage.
From TiVo Central, select Showcases & TV Guide
Any time you choose to record a
program, it automatically gets one
Thumbs Up.
You can turn off auto-recording of
TiVo Suggestions if you prefer. See
page 53.