
Removable Hard Disk Drive or DVD Drive
Special viewer software
Folders numbered
by archiving session
Folders numbered by date
Folders numbered
by camera
Special Viewer Software:
This software is downloaded to the target media during archiving. Its functions include resizing copied videos,
continuous or frame advance playback, and tampering/alteration check.
Folders Numbered by Archiving Session:
It is possible to divide archived data into folders by designating multiple start and end times when archiving.
When adding new files to USB memory devices, the new folders are numbered starting by automatically
adding 1 to the largest existing folder number. Folder numbers are from 0001 to 9999.
Folders Numbered by Date:
A separate folder is created for each copy session with a different date, with each folder name shown as a set
of numbers indicating "YEAR MONTH DAY". For example, a folder named "06 07 20" refers to a folder
created on July 20th, 2006.
Folders Numbered by Camera:
A separate folder can be created for each camera number. If there are nine cameras, for example, then these
folders will be numbered 01 through 09 (or 01 through 16 if there are 16 cameras), with JPEG files stored
File Names:
File names are comprised of “HOUR MINUTE SECOND, SCREEN NUMBER”. HOUR is from 00–23. MINUTE
is from 0–59. SECOND is from 0–59. SCREEN NUMBER, from 01–60, differentiates frames taken at the
same time. (The number of frames will vary depending on the recording rate set for each camera.) The
extension on all file names is .jpg.
For example, a file named "13 05 49 08.jpg" refers to file created as the 8th frame taken at the time 13:05:49.
18.5.2. Folder Configuration and File Name
Folder name or file name at the time of DVD archiving is referenced in Time zone setting (Refer to p.90,
Network Setting.). Folder name or file name is displayed correctly only when time zone setting has been
performed correctly.
Folder name or file name is to be created at standard time when recording data during summer time period
is archived. To replace it with summer time indication, advance 1 hour.
The name of the viewer software will differ depending on which type of media is being archived to.
For USB memory devices the name will be "VIEWER.EXE".
For DVD media the name will be "ResizeViewer.exe".