For optimal performance the PowerDual™ iQ 18B has been designed to operate with
PowerDual™ iQ 10 mid/high cabinet, where overall system control is achieved by
utilising the TDX2 system controller. The TDX2 has been factory preset to provide the
recommended cross-over points, delays and overall system balance. Please refer to the
TDX2 manual for operation.
If you intend using an alternative loudspeaker management system (e.g. BSS™, Klark
Teknik™, XTA™ etc) please contact your distributor or visit our website,
www.tannoy.com for the correct parameter settings or refer to the recommended
crossover points in the technical specifications section of this manual.
7. Equalisation
The iQ 18B loudspeaker is designed to need no equalisation or correction to overcome
system limitations. As a result, it will only need equalisation to compensate for difficult
acoustic environments.
Over equalisation can reduce system headroom, and introduce phase distortion
resulting in greater problems than cures. If equalisation is required then it should be
applied gently and smoothly. Violent equalisation will be detrimental to the overall
sound quality.
8. Dimensions