Example: Setting the Input Channel 1’s EQ to ON, Band No. to 1, Gain value to +2 dB,
Q value to 0.7 and Center frequency to 40 Hz.
A1H, 07H, 00H, 00H, 01H, 00H, 0EH, 02H, 03H
5.8. Loudness Compensation Settings
Perform loudness compensation settings of the Input / Output channels. 9000Series
Amplifier responds with the same data as that received.
Note: Command cannot be received during power off.
ABH, 03H, <Channel Attribute>, <Channel Number>, <OFF/ON>
<Channel Attribute>
00H: Input channel
01H: Output channel
<Channel Number>
00H - 07H (Input channel 1 - 8)
00H - 07H (Output channel 1 - 8)
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