(ref. Form # 750,204M)
Millivolt SIT Systems
Propane to Natural Gas
Conversion Kits
Models Cat. No.
SSDVT/R-3530 85L66
SSDVT/R-4035 85L67
Millivolt HONEYWELL Systems
Natural Gas To Propane Gas
Conversion Kits
Models Cat. No.
SSDVT/R-3530 11M37
SSDVT/R-4035 11M38
Electronic HONEYWELL Systems
Natural Gas To Propane Gas
Conversion Kits
Models Cat. No.
SSDVT/R-3530 85L73
SSDVT/R-4035 85L74
Millivolt SIT Systems
Natural Gas To Propane Gas
Conversion Kits
Models Cat. No.
SSDVT/R-3530 85L59
SSDVT/R-4035 85L60
Millivolt HONEYWELL Systems
Propane Gas To Natural Gas
Conversion Kits
Models Cat. No.
SSDVT/R-3530 11M34
SSDVT/R-4035 11M35
Electronic HONEYWELL Systems
Propane Gas To Natural Gas
Conversion Kits
Models Cat. No.
SSDVT/R-3530 85L80
SSDVT/R-4035 85L81
The conversion shall be carried out
in accordance with the requirements
of the provincial authorities having
jurisdiction and in accordance with
the requirements of the CAN1-B149.1
And B149.2 Installation code.
This conversion kit shall be installed
by a qualifi ed service agency in
accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and all applicable codes
and requirements of the authorized
having jurisdiction. If the information
in these instructions is not followed
exactly, a fi re, explosion or produc-
tion of carbon monoxide may result
causing property damage, personal
injury or loss of life. The installation
is not proper and complete until the
operation of the converted appliance
is checked as specifi ed in the owner
instructions supplied with the kit. The
qualifi ed service agency performing
this installation assumes responsibil-
ity for this conversion.
Cet équipement de conversion sera
installé par une agence qualifi ée de
service conformément aux instruc-
tions du fabricant et toutes exigences
et codes applicables de l'autorisés
avoir la juridiction. Si l'information
dans cette instruction n'est pas suivie
exactement, un feu, explosion ou pro-
duction de protoxyde de carbone peut
résulter le dommages causer de pro-
priété, perte ou blessure personnelle
de vie. L'agence qualifi ée de service
est esponsable de l'installation propre
de cet équipment. L'installation
n'est pas propre et compléte jusqu'à
l'opération de l'appareil converti est
chéque suivant les critères établis
dans les instructions de propriétaire
provisionnées avec l'équipement.
Listed Secure Flex™ Components - SSDV-3530 Models Only
Cat. No. Model Description
94L04 SFKIT12SS Flex - Small Square Termination with 12 in. (305 mm)
of *compressed fl ex vent
94L05 SFKIT18SS Flex - Small Square Termination with 18 in. (457 mm)
of *compressed fl ex vent
94L06 SFKIT24SS Flex - Small Square Termination with 24 in. (610 mm)
of *compressed fl ex vent
94L07 SFKIT36SS Flex - Small Square Termination with 36 in. (914 mm)
of *compressed fl ex vent
94L08 SFKIT48SS Flex - Small Square Termination with 48 in. (1219 mm)
of *compressed fl ex vent
94L09 SF-HTSS Horizontal Small Square Termination without fl ex vent
Listed Secure Vent™ Components - SSDV-3530 Models Only
94L10 SV4.5HTSS Horizontal - Small Square Termination with
Firestop/Spacer (H2246) & Adapter (74L61).
98L27 SV4.5HTSSL Long Horizontal - Small Square Termination with
Firestop/Spacer (H2246) & Adapter (74L61). 1 PACK
98L28 SV4.5HTSSL8 Long Horizontal - Small Square Termination with
Firestop/Spacer (H2246) & Adapter (74L61). 8 PACK
* All compressed fl ex vents can be expanded up to two times.