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The dough program is used to mix dough to be shaped by hand before baking in the Breadmake r ’s
H e a rth oven or in a conventional ove n .
• If using delayed timer, make sure yeast is on top of flour, away from liquids.
• If you allow the dough to remain in the breadmaker after the program is complete, it may over ri s e
and damage the machine.
Ⅲ Crust Treatments (use only with dough pro g r a m )
A l ways allow optimum rising of shaped dough. Use a pastry brush to apply glaze. B a ke as directed.
Egg Yolk Glaze — For a shiny/golden crust, mix 1 slightly beaten egg or egg yolk with 1 TBL water or
m i l k .
Egg White Glaze — For a shiny / c h ewy crust, mix 1 slightly beaten egg white with 1 TBL wa t e r.
Ⅲ L i g h t ly Floured
S p rinkle enough flour onto wo rk area so that the dough can be handled without stick i n g .
Ⅲ Shaping Rolls
C l o verleaf Rolls — Shape into 1/2 inch balls. Place 3 balls in each muffin tin and let rise until double in
s i z e.
C r i s s c r oss Rolls — Shape into balls setting two aside. Combine the balls and roll into a 1/8 inch thick
s q u a r e . Cut strips 1/8 inch wide and 2 inches longs. Place one strip across the top of each ball. R e p e a t
this process, placing the second strip in the opposite direction across the top of each ball.
Traditional Rolls — Shape into balls. For “pull apart ” r o l l s, place dough balls with sides touching. Fo r
“ i n d i v i d u a l ” rolls place dough balls 2 inches apart .