Flushing the iron is advised after every 5 usages to prevent harmful mineral
build-up that can clog the iron and prevent it from heating and steaming
p r o p e rl y. To flush the iron:
1. Position temperature control dial to MIN, lowest setting. Diagram 2.
2. Turn variable steam dial to the lowest setting. Diagram 3.
3. Fill the iron’s water tank to its maximum fill line. Diagram 5.
4. Plug the iron in and set the temperature control dial to its highest
setting or cotton/linen. Let it heat for 2 minutes.
5. Turn the variable steam dial to the highest setting.
6. Place a hand towel over the ironing surface.
7. Hold the iron horizontally 2 inches above the towel allowing steam to flow
through the vents until the water tank is emptied.
8. Pass the iron over a damp cloth to clean the soleplate.
9. When finished, turn temperature control dial to MIN, lowest setting, and
variable steam dial to lowest setting, and unplug. Allow iron to cool before
cleaning the exterior of the iron or storing. Use a cloth to wipe off exterior
of iron before storing.
Remove the cord from the outlet by grasping the plug rather than pulling the
cord, and allow iron to cool. EMPTY the water tank after each use, then wrap
the cord around the cooled iron as shown. Diagram 6. Allow the iron to COOL
COMPLETELY before putting it away.To protect the soleplate, place the iron in
an upright position on its heel.
C AU T I O N : Unplug the iron from the electrical outlet before cleaning the ex t e ri o r
of the iron and storing. Never immerse an appliance in water.
To protect the soleplate from scratching, avoid ironing over snaps, zippers,
metal buttons, etc. Also, do not place the iron on metal or rough surfaces. If
starch or other residues cling to the soleplate, use hot iron cleaner according
to directions. Hot Iron Cleaner is available at mass merchandise, discount or
hardware stores.
A “home remedy” for cleaning starch or other material buildup on the soleplate
is as follows:
1. Unplug the iron and allow to cool completely.