Symptom Possible Solutions
I have pressed the The ON/OFF Button will
ON/OFF Button but STOP the Mill/Brew process.
the Coffee Maker Unplug the Coffee Maker
will not turn OFF to turn the unit OFF.
Display graphics are Press the MENU Button
unclear on the Display to RESET the unit. If Display is
unclear, unplug unit and let sit for
5 minutes. When the unit is
plugged in, the Coffee Maker will
scan to acquire the signal.
Depending on the signal strength
in your area, “Acquiring Signal”
may remain on the LCD Display
for up to 1 hour. Please be patient.
Screen appears This is normal. When the Coffee
to flicker Maker is scanning for the FM
signal, some flickering may be
noticeable. Please be patient.
Screen is flashing A real time Weather Alert or Amber
Alert has been issued. Press the
and the information will scroll on the
bottom of your screen. If you need
to know further details about the
Alert in your area, please tune into a
local media source (i.e. TV, radio,
or internet).
Melitta_ME1MSB_IB_7-12-06 12/7/06 2:44 PM Page 3