
Waxing and polishing is recommended to maintain the gloss
and wet-look appearance of your paint finish.
1. Use a good quality polish and wax for your car.
2. Re-wax your car when the water does not slip off the
surface and collects over the surface in patches.
Further tips for the care of your new INDICA finish :
We recommend that you do not use an automatic car wash
as the stiff brushes or sponges could mar the finish and
damage the surface of your car. Wash the vehicle by hand
with cool and clean water using a soft cloth or sponge.
Please do not use soap but a car shampoo recommended
by your dealer.
Please take the following precautions :
1. Always wash your car in shade, avoiding direct exposure
to sunlight during washing.
2. Dry wiping your car may lead to the formation of
scratches and hence always use a soft cloth and clean
water while wiping your car.
3. Always keep your car parked in a well ventilated shade.
Exposure to heat with entrapped moisture promotes
4. Avoid driving on gravel roads, as the possibility of paint
chip off due to the impact of stones is high. If you are
driving on freshly tarred road, check immediately
afterwards for any stains & clean them.
5. External contamination in the form of sap or industrial
fall-out may mar or develop spots on a new finish. Hence
avoid parking your car near trees, which are known to
drop sap, or near factories, which give out heavy smoke.
6. The acid content in bird droppings may damage the
newly painted finish and hence any bird dropping must
be immediately washed off.
7. The paint finish is susceptible to damage in case petrol,
brake fluid, liquid from car battery, oil, antifreeze,
transmission fluid or windshield solvent spills onto the
painted surface. In case of such a spillage immediately
rinse the affected area with water. Avoid wiping the area
far as possible, however if wiping is required, ensure
that you wipe the area gently with soft cotton cloth.
8. Avoid using sharp objects to scrap off tar or mud from a
painted surface as it may develop scratches or may
peel off the paint.