8.2.2 Parameters for Communication
Sample setting: RS232C
8.2.3 Password Option
Establishing a Password
A password can be set in the GTS-820A series to secure the use of the instrument. Once a password is
established the user can disable the option or change the password. Once a password established and
the option is turned off, the password will always remain in memory. When turning on the instrument
after a password-input screen appears before the self-test mode. Type in your password and press the
[ENTER] to continue.
A maximum of 10 numeric digits can be entered for a password. All zeros (0000000000) or 9`s
(9999999999) are invalid passwords. If 10 unsuccessful attempts are made to input a password, the
instrument will shut off automatically.
Establishing a Password for the first time.
The instructions below show how to establish a password for the first time
Operating procedure Operation Display
Press the [F6] key from the main menu icons.
Press the [F2] (Communication) key.
The screen in the right is indicated.
Press the [F2](Set RS232C) key.
The next steps are same as Section 8.2.1-
Parameters Setting for communication, refer
to the section 8.2.1.
l The setting will reset to the default settings by pressing the [F2](I.GTS) key.
(1200baudrate, Even, Stop 1, Delimit ETX, Rec-A Protocol ON, NEZ-REC Standard) Factory default
settings are indicated with underlines in Chapter 8.1.2 “Parameters for communication” .
l In the setting of RC, the settings of Baudrate, data length, Parity and Stop are fixed.
They will be indicated on the screen for your reference.
Though Protocol is not indicated, it is fixed to OFF.
Operating procedure Operation Display
From the main menu icons, press [F6](Para)
to access the parameters option menu. To
access the password option, press
F1 Measurement
F2 Communication
F3 Password
Parameters (Communication)
1 Serial Port RS232C/RC
2 Set RS232C
3 Set RC
Parameters (Communication)
B.Rate [1200] 2400 4800 9600
Data.L [ 7 ] 8
Parity none odd [even]
SET I.GTS <- -> ↑ ↓
F1 Measurement
F2 Communication
F3 Password