Workman MD/MDX Page 7 -- 5 Chassis
Brakes (continued)
Problem Possible Cause
Brakes pull to either side. Tire pressure is incorrect or uneven between tires.
Brake linings are contaminated.
Front wheel alignment (toe--in) is incorrect.
Brake shoes are distorted.
Tires on same axle are unmatched.
Brakes squeal. Brake lining is glazed or saturated.
Shoe--to--shoe spring(s) is (are) weak or broken.
Brake shoes are distorted.
Anchor plate is bent.
Brake drums and shoes are dusty.
Brake drums are scored or out--of--round.
Brakes drag. Parking brake is applied or incorrectly adjusted.
Shoe--to--shoe spring(s) is (are) weak or broken.
Brake pedal is binding.
Parking brake cable is binding.
Brake linings are saturated.
Brake drums or rotors are bent or out--of --round.
Brake pedal is hard to push. Incorrect brake lining material.
Brake pedal linkage is binding.
Wheels lock--up when braking. Brake linings are contaminated.
Brake linings are loose or damaged.
Wheel or transaxle bearings are damaged.
Shoe--to --shoe springs are weak.
Brake drums are grooved in the contact face with brake shoes.
Brakes fade. Brake drums are overheated.
Brake linings are saturated.
Vehicle surges at slow speeds and
chatters at fast speeds.
Brake drums are bent or out--of--round.