12 Rotary Mowers
Toro University Technical Training
Wheel traction
and hill climbing
Wheel traction
Tire pressure in the traction wheels is critical for
maximum traction capability. Over-inflated tire
pressure can cause spinning and tearing out of the
turf in adverse conditions. if lowering the tire
pressure does not correct or stop a spinning
condition, adding liquid to the tires may be required.
Avoid quick acceleration while operating mowing
equipment because a spinning tire can seriously
damage the turf. Try to maintain a constant speed
while going through turns and climbing hills to avoid
a spin out which would damage the turf.
Engine RPM
The correct engine speed is important for the
effective performance of a rotary cutting unit. Most
professional mowing equipment is designed to
operate at full engine RPM. All engine RPM
information is contained in the owner's manual for
each product. The engine speed should be checked
with a tachometer periodically.
Ground speed
Ground Speed
There are three basic problem areas resulting from
too fast a ground speed. It is unsafe, damaging to the
equipment and will result in a poor quality of cut.
The ground speed of a rotary mower must be limited
to a point that the blade can cut and discharge the
grass effectively while maintaining a good quality of
cut. If the cutting unit is becoming overloaded, the
ground speed must be lowered and/or the cutting
width should be reduced so the engine can regain its
normal operating speed.