Inspection, Maintenance, and Testing (Fig. 12)
1. Perform following inspections and maintenance:
A. Check for cracks caused by overly tight hold–
down clamp. Replace battery if cracked and leak
B. Check battery terminal posts for corrosion. Use
a terminal brush or steel wool to clean corrosion
from the battery terminal posts.
IMPORTANT: Before cleaning the battery, tape or
block vent holes to the filler caps and make sure the
caps are on tightly.
C. Check for signs of wetness or leakage on the top
of the battery which might indicate a loose or mis
sing filler cap, overcharging, loose terminal post, or
overfilling. Also, check battery case for dirt and oil.
Clean the battery with a solution of baking soda and
water, then rinse it with clean water.
D. Check that the cover seal is not broken away.
Replace the battery if the seal is broken or leaking.
E. Check the electrolyte level in each cell. If the lev-
el is below the tops of the plates in any cell, fill all
cells with distilled water between the minimum and
maximum fill lines. Charge at 15 to 25 amps for 15
minutes to allow sufficient mixing of the electrolyte.
2. Conduct a hydrometer test of the battery electrolyte.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the area around the cells is
clean before opening the battery caps.
A. Measure the specific gravity of each cell with a
hydrometer. Draw electrolyte in and out of the
hydrometer barrel prior to taking a reading to warm–
up the hydrometer. At the same time take the tem
perature of the cell.
B. Temperature correct each cell reading. For each
10_F (5.5_C) above 80_F (26.7_C) add 0.004 to the
specific gravity reading. For each 10_F (5.5_C) be
low 80_F (26.7_C) subtract 0.004 from the specific
gravity reading.
Example: Cell Temperature 100_F
Cell Gravity 1.245
100_F minus 80_F equals 20_F
(37.7_C minus 26.7_C equals 11.0_C)
multiply by 0.004/10_F equals 0.008
multiply by 0.004/5.5_C equals 0.008)
ADD (conversion above) 0.008
Correction to 80_F (26.7_C) 1.253
Figure 12
C. If the difference between the highest and lowest
cell specific gravity is 0.050 or greater or the lowest
cell specific gravity is less than 1.225, charge the
battery. Charge at the recommended rate and time
given in Charging or until all cells specific gravity is
1.225 or greater with the difference in specific grav
ity between the highest and lowest cell less than
0.050. If these charging conditions can not be met,
replace the battery.
3. Perform a high–discharge test with an adjustable
load tester.
This is one of the most reliable means of testing a battery
as it simulates the cold–cranking test. A commercial bat
tery load tester is required to perform this test.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when us-
ing a battery tester.
A. Check the voltage across the battery terminals
prior to testing the battery. If the voltage is less than
12.4 VDC, recharge the battery.
B. If the battery has been charged, apply a 150 amp
load for 15 seconds to remove the surface charge.
Use a battery load tester following the manufactur-
er’s instructions.
C. Make sure the battery terminals are free of corro-
D. Measure the temperature of the center cell.
Sand Pro 2020/3020/5020 Page 5 – 15 Electrical Systems