Groundsmaster 4000--D
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General Safety Instructions
The GROUNDSMASTER 4000-D is tested and certified
by Toro for compliance with existing safety standards
and specifications. Although hazard control and acci-
dent prevention partially aredependentuponthedesign
and configuration of the machine, these factors are also
dependent upon the awareness, concern and proper
trainingofthe personnelinvolvedin theoperation,trans-
port, maintenance and storage of the machine. Improp-
er useormaintenanceof the machine canresultininjury
or death.Toreduce the potentialfor injury ordeath,com-
ply with the following safety instructions.
To reduce the potential for injury or death,
comply with the following safety instructions.
Before Operating
1. Review and understand the contents of the Opera-
tor’s Manual and Operator’s DVD before starting and
operating the vehicle. Become familiar with the controls
and know how to stop the vehicle and engine quickly.
Additional copiesofthe Operator’sManualare available
on the internet at www.Toro.com.
2. Keep all shields, safety devices and decals in place.
If a shield, safety device or decal is defective, illegible or
damaged, repair or replace it before operating the ma-
chine. Also tighten any loose nuts, bolts or screws to en-
sure machine is in safe operating condition.
3. Assure interlock switches are adjusted correctly so
engine cannot be started unless traction pedal is in
NEUTRAL and cutting decks are DISENGAGED.
4. Since diesel fuel is highly flammable, handle it care-
A. Use an approved fuel container.
B. Do not remove fuel tank cap while engine is hot or
C. Do not smoke while handling fuel.
D. Fill fuel tank outdoors andonly to within an inch of
the top of the tank, not the filler neck. Do not overfill.
E. Wipe up any spilled fuel.
While Operating
1. Sit on the seat when starting and operating the ma-
2. Before starting the engine:
A. Apply the parking brake.
B. Make sure traction pedal is in neutral and the
PTO switch is OFF (disengaged).
C. After engine is started, release parking brake and
keep foot off traction pedal. Machine must not move.
If movement is evident, the traction pedal linkage is
adjusted incorrectly; therefore, shut engine off and
adjust until machine does not move when traction
pedal is released.
3. Do not run engine in a confined area without ade-
quate ventilation. Exhaust fumes are hazardous and
could possibly be deadly.
4. Do not touch engine, muffler or exhaust pipe w hile
engineisrunning orsoon afteritis stopped.These areas
could be hot enough to cause burns.
5. Before getting off the seat:
A. Ensure that traction pedal is in neutral.
B. Apply the parking brake.
C. Disengage cutting decks and wait for blades to
D. Stop engine and remove key from switch.
E. Toro recommends that anytime the machine is
parked (short or long term), the cutting decks should
be lowered to the ground. This relieves pressure
from the lift circuit and eliminates the risk of cutting
decks accidentally lowering to the ground.
F. Do notpark on slopes unlesswheelsarechocked
or blocked.