Groundsmaster 4500--D/4700--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 135
NOTE: The lift control manifold includes several zero
leak plugs. These plugs have a tapered sealing surface
on the plug head that is designed to resist vibration in-
duced plug loosening. The zero leak plugs also have an
O--ring as a secondary seal. If zero leak plug removal is
necessary, lightly rap the plug head using a punch and
hammer before using an allen wrench to remove the
plug: the impact will allow plug removal with less chance
of damage to the socket head of the plug.
If lift manifold is attached to machine, make sure
that cutting decks are fully lowered before loos-
ening hydraulic lines, cartridge valves or plugs
from lift manifold. If decks are raised as compo-
nents are loosened, decks may drop unexpect-
For solenoid and control valve service procedures, see
Control Manifold Cartridge Valve Service in this section.
Refer to Figure 113 for cartridge valve and plug installa-
tion torque.
IMPORTANT: A flow control orifice (item6 ) is placed
beneath the hydraulic fitting in lift control manifold
port C2. If this fitting is removed from the manifold,
make sure to remove orifice and label its position
for assembly purposes. Also note location of
groove in orifice for assembly purposes. When
installing the orifice in the manifold, make sure that
the orifice is flat in the base of the port. Manifold
damage is possible if the orifice is cocked in the