
Greensmaster 3150Page 5 -- 6Electrical System
Remove all jewelry, especially rings and
watches, before doing any electrical trouble-
shooting or testing. Disconnect the battery
cables u nless the test requires battery voltage.
For e ffective troubleshooting and repairs, you must
have a good understanding of the electrical circuits and
components used on this machine (see Chapter 9 --
Foldout Drawings).
If the machine has any interlock switches by--passed,
they must be reconnected for proper troubleshooting
and safety.
Starting Problems
Problem Possible Causes
Starter solenoid clicks, but starter will n ot crank.
NOTE: If solenoid clicks, problem is not in safety
interlock system.
Battery charge is l ow.
Battery cables are loo se or corroded.
Battery ground to frame is loose or corroded.
Wiring at starter is faulty.
Starter solenoid is f aulty.
Starter mounting bolts are loose or not supplying a
sufficient ground for starter operation.
Starter is faulty.
Nothing happens when start attempt is made. Functional control lever is not in the neutral position.
Battery cables are loo se or corroded.
Battery ground to frame is loose or corroded.
Fuse F1 (20 amp) is loose or faulty.
Fuse F3 (10 amp) is loose or faulty.
Fusible link at starter solenoid (included in main wire
harness) is faulty.
Wiring to the start circuit components is loose,
corroded or damaged (see Electrical Schematic and
Circuit Diagrams in Chapter 9 -- Foldout Drawings).
Start safety relay (K2) is faulty.
Neutral switch is out of adjustment or faulty.
Starter solenoid fusible link is faulty.
Ignition switch is faulty.
Starter solenoid is f aulty.
Fuse block is faulty.
Battery is faulty.