Reelmaster 3550- D
Cutting Units
Page 7 - 30
Preparing Reel for Grinding
Presently, the Reelmaster 3550- D machines use scal-
loped radial reels (Fig. 38). The radial reel design has
blades that are placed in line with the center of the reel
shaft. The rear of the blade has a scalloped relief.
Before grinding a cutting reel, make sure that all cutting
unit components are in good condition. Depending on
type of grinder used, faulty cutting unit components can
affect grinding results.
When grinding, be careful to not overheat the cutting
reel blades. Remove small amounts of material with
each pass of the grinder.
Follow reel grinder manufacturer’s instructions to grind
cutting reel to Toro specifications (see Reel Grinding
Specifications chart below). Additional reel grinding in-
formation can be found in the Toro General Service
Training Book, Reel Mower Basics (part no. 09168SL).
After completing the reel grinding process, adjust cut-
ting unit (see Cutting Unit Operator’s Manual).
Reel Grinding Specifications
Reel Diameter (New) 5.060 in (128.5 mm)
Service Limit -
Reel Diameter
4.500 in (114 mm)
Reel Shaft Diameter (OD) 1.313in(33.3mm)
Service Limit -
Reel Diameter Taper
0.010 in (0.25 mm) (Fig. 39)
BladeLandWidth 0.060 in +/- 0.010 in
(1.5 mm +/- .25 mm)
Blade Relief Angle 30
+/- 5
Relief grind of cutting reel blades is necessary when
blade land width exceeds 0.120” (3 mm).
NOTE: After grinding the r eel and/or bedknife, check
the reel to bedknife contact again after cutting two (2)
fairways. During this initial use, any burrs will be re-
movedfromreeland bedknifewhichmay createimprop-
er reel to bedknife clearance and thus accelerate wear.
This practice of re- checking the reelto bedknife contact
after grinding will extend the longevity of the sharpness
of the edge of the reel and the bedknife.
Figure 38
1. Blade land width 2. Blade relief angle
Figure 39
Reel Diameter Taper = D1 - D2