Glossary of Terms
Group Number – This is a code number provided by the ET Everywhere
service to the Intelli-Sense controller at the time of activation. The link
enables the ET Everywhere service to communicate conditions relative
to controllers in locations where irrigation regulation programs are in
effect. This code will only be assigned if the user is a participant in the
High ET StartTime – In the event of a very high ET rate, the controller
will try to irrigate enough to satisfy the plants’ needs. If the controller
cannot accomplish this within the allotted water window time frame,
an additional irrigation start time will be initiated to fulfill the watering
requirements. The High ET Start Time is when the additional watering
cycle start can occur.
Maximum ActiveStations – This number represents the actual number
of functional stations. For example, if 10 stations have valves connect-
ed, but two stations are for future system use and are currently non-
functional, the maximum active station number would be eight.
Selecting a higher number of stations than actually used can cause the
Water Window duration to be exceeded, resulting in false condition
alerts. Setting a lower number than actual will prevent some of the
stations from operating.
Maximum Backup ETValue – This value is the highest ET rate expected
for the year based on geographic and average weather conditions.
Backup ET is a fail-safe measure used only if the daily ET Everywhere
service data transmission has not been received for four consecutive days.
The Backup ET value will be automatically adjusted to compensate for
the current calendar month in which the interruption occurs.
MicrozoneNumber – This value is transmitted by the ET Everywhere
service at the time of activation to establish specific latitude and longi-
tude coordinates. This process enables the ET Everywhere service to
provide localized ET/weather data.
Phase Integrity Data – This reference value is used exclusively by the
ET Everywhere service to determine the broadcast integrity or signal
strength of three wireless network communication carriers used to
broadcast the ET Everywhere service data. The highest displayed
signal phase value is used for initial service activation.
Appendix B